Linux and FOSS Enthusiast. I do the Dev and the Ops and sometimes both at once.

A guided Tour of My Bashrc

So anyone who knows me will know that I love tools that are configured with dotfiles. Generally I find these tools are more powerful and faster than their (generally) graphical counterparts. I love dotfiles so much that I even wrote a tool to help me manage them: DFM. With all that said I’ve spent many years and hours tweaking my dotfiles and after sharing them with my good friend Chas Busenburg he remarked at how much useful stuff was in my bashrc. I had never really thought about it, I see it as piles of hacks and duct tape, but it does have quite a few useful functions and tricks probably unknown to many Bash users / enthusiasts. So it is on that note that I welcome you to the guided tour of my bashrc. If you’re looking for the full version for reference you can find it with the rest of my dotfiles here.

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#linux: 5 | #foss: 3 | #linuxfest: 3 | #cli: 2 | #devops: 2 | #emacs: 2 | #programming: 2 | #sysadmin: 2 | #bash: 1 | #emacs-lisp: 1 | #homelab: 1 | #mac: 1 | #project-management: 1 | #proxmox: 1 | #security: 1 | #terminal: 1 | #vagrant: 1 |